Sunday, December 25, 2011

Not the Christmas I Expected

I have kids. Lots of kids. Five to be exact. And guess what? They like the holidays. They love the lights, they love the music, and of course they love the gifts. They love waking up on Christmas morning and doing secret knocks on each others doors too. That's their signal that "Santa" has made his delivery and it's time to open gifts. Funny thing is that, they won't open the gifts without my husband and I being present. Gotta love 'em because when I was a kid, I woke up at the crack of dawn and opened my presents alone. I didn't care if my parents were asleep or awake. I just wanted to play.

My kids are different though. Guess I'm just blessed that God delivered five little angels whom I am more apt to call my precious devils. They don't ask for much. I would love to have the money to shower them with the latest gadgets and trendy clothes, but I can't. Honestly, they don't even act like they care which is such a blessing because chances are, I don't care how much money I have, I refuse to spend a wad of cash on one blouse or toy. It's pointless. I really think that it would take away from the lessons we are trying to teach them.

So, it really pleased me that after thirteen years of being a mother and buying seemingly crappy gifts, I am happy to say that I got it right this year. We didn't really spend a lot of money, but the girls are pleased that we chose gifts that are extensions of their gifts and personalities. Of course my three year old got a crap load of Minnie Mouse stuff because she's a fanatic. However, the look on my thirteen year old daughter's face was the best when she opened up her new sketch book, portfolio,and pencils. It wasn't an overly expensive gift, but it's one that I know she will use on a daily basis. It's one that suits her need to express herself and one that I know for a fact won't get tossed to the side.

Believe me when I say that this is not the Christmas I expected. We didn't leave the house, we didn't eat turkey and gravy, my three year old has a fever and just threw up all over me. Furthermore, my procrastination didn't allow me to give them nearly half the stuff I wanted them to have. I'm okay with that. The best gift this mother could ever ask for is the gift of appreciation. While there was some mumbling of I didn't get what was on my list, the comments behind them is what mattered most. It's been a day of continuous knocks on my door showing me the pictures they've drawn. It's been a day full of laughing at Mommy's addiction to pixie sticks (yes, I've been stealing them from the kids) and a day full of genuine love. The girls aren't even complaining about eating chicken, black beans, and yellow rice for dinner either. They are quietly eating dinner while watching Bernie Mac on the living room floor. No, this is not the Christmas I expected, but it is one that I can appreciate and add to my lists of most cherished memories.

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