Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Way I View the World

I see the world different from most people. I'm almost certain that I will typicially have the unpopular opinion because I view the world through rose colored glasses. I try not to focus on the bad so much as I like to focus on the good. I don't focus my energy on trying to make you see things my way, but it would be nice if you respect my point of view just as I do yours. We all share differences of opinion that stem from various sources. At the end of the day whether you listen to me is up to you. I just want you to think. At the end of the day I can't change you any more than you can change me. The way I view life and the world is through my own perception, just as you do. It is what I have seen, heard, read, discovered, and most importantly, experienced. It took me a long time to get to a point of peace and I will not let anyone deter me from that track. My thoughts are mine and mine alone just like yours are yours. No one knows my story unless they were apart of my story line or I shared it with them. Everything I say and do stems from somewhere, but before you make assumptions about me or my views just ask. It really is that simple. I have such peace and calm hovering over me, that no one can deter me from my path. I am open to sharing and change if the time and place calls for it, but at the end of the day, my perception is still going to be just that...mine.

I have seen a lot of things and met a lot of people in my life. If I had to go back and do it all again, I probably would change very little. For the first time in a long time I feel settled. I feel as if I have a set plan that I will see to the end. Why? Because it has been a long time coming. It has been a gradual process at a slow and steady pace. Nothing happens overnight. Every bit of our personalities down to the way we handle things is a change that occurs overtime.

Let me be clear...I am no genius, but I am no fool either. God put us all here for a reason and my gut tells me that I am here to change the world one person at a time. I don't feel the need lead the masses. I am a one on one type of gal. Individual people have individual needs. We do not live in a one size fits all world. We were each created under individual circumstances with individual needs. No two people will ever be just alike which, I believe, is one of the best things ever. Everything we do, say, think, or feel is going to be different. Our thought process, the way we deal with stress, down to the way we deal with people will always be different and should be respected as such.

The other night, I had a rather interesting conversation online and it dawned on me that something was trying to change my focus and path. Once I really woke up and thought about it, I realized that no matter what was said or how it was said, no one was going to really hear what I had to say because they had already formed opinions about what I either knew or did not know. It actual made me giggle a little because I realized the difference between me and others. I am not really sure that I care much about others opinions of me. I am me and I am me for a reason. Of course, there was no love lost on my part because I am one to just let things go. I both love and appreciate our differences. My definition of personal responsibility is always going to be different from the next person. My definition of slow and steady will always be different from the next person.

I have an eerie kind of calm over me right now. I do not know what it is, but I know the peace and calm that I have will lead me down the right path. No one knows how to do me better than me. No one knows how to navigate my life better than I can.