Monday, November 14, 2011

Trying To Balance It All

Yes, I know I've already said this before, but I am a mother and a wife.  For the past fourteen years, I have struggled with finding the balance that gives my family what it needs all while keeping my mental and physical health in check.  Believe me when I say that it's been a challenge.  Tight rope walkers are able to keep their balance far easier than I have been able to balance life.  I would love a spotless home with no clothes on the floor, clean toilets, spotless floors, and a hot meal on the table every night all while being able to work on both my personal and professional goals, but it's hard.  Everyone has a want and a need.  And as the mother, I am supposed to do it all while not complaining.

I try not to complain.  I try not to focus on the negative things in life.  I try not to focus on the basket of laundry that needs attention or the hair that needs to be done.  I try not to look at any of my shortcomings as failures.  I prefer to look at these things as places in need of special attention.  I try to fit it all in as best as possible.  Even as I type I am struggling with keeping my three-year-old occupied with a movie on Netflix while ignoring the rumbling of my stomach.  Neither one is easy to do, but I am determined to do it.

Up until recently, I had a pretty tight knit schedule that I followed.  Life was flowing effortlessly until my daughter got sick.  There goes my mornings at the gym until she's better.  Well, while we're at home how about I catch up on the ten loads of laundry that need my attention.  Niney-five percent of it is clean, yet twenty percent still sits in a basket on my floor waiting to be put up.  Did I mention that I have yet another load of clothes to wash because I have five kids that change clothes twice a day?  Thank God my husband is okay with doing his own laundry.

I'm pretty sure that my previous paragraph could be considered complaining.  However, I'd like to consider it as putting everything in front of me so I can prioritize my days a little better.  I'm working on it.  I am working on planning my blogging days, building my Facebook group, returning to the gym, preparing healthy meals, and making sure that my family is taken care of.  It's all a balancing act that I am good at, well, at least until a monkey wrench is thrown my way.

Let it be known that today is the first day of the rest of my life. My daughter just made a mess so I'm off to clean that up.  I guess it's time to put something other than coffee in my stomach and throw a load of clothes in the wash.  As much as I would love to say I can't do this, I know I can.  I have twenty minutes to do these few tasks before I head up to my room to fold more laundry while I tune into Dr. Oz.  My day is planned and it will be a success so long as I keep a positive attitude.  If we all keep that one thing in mind then life will flow in a much orderly fashion.

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