Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thinking of Love

I woke up this morning thinking of love and the power it has to possess.  I was thinking back on previous pain and how my heart has softened over time.  I woke up, thinking and most grateful for those who have played an integral part in reviving my spirit.  It had withered and was on the verge of death.  Thankfully, I was saved in time.  I still have breath in my body.  And as long as I have breath, I have life.  As long as I have life, I have a chance to rectify any and everything that has plagued me along this journey.
Today I am embarking on an old journey.  I can’t call it new because I’ve been at this since the beginning of the year.  Recently, I lost my way and getting back on task has proven difficult, but not impossible.  Today marks the first of many days of the discipline I’d started to move away from.  As I type, I am drinking my first smoothie of the day.  It’s green. It’s very green.  It’s a spinach/kiwi/mango vanilla cream soy smoothie.  Yes, not the tastiest thing to have first thing in the morning, but it is healthy for my body, mind, and spirit.  A couple of months ago I started putting more things dead than alive in my body.  I am definitely feeling the affects of it too.  I haven’t been tired, but I have been a little lazy about going full-time into the gym.  I’ve missed several classes which is so unlike me.  I haven’t put any real thought into my diet either.  Sonic, McDonald’s, Wendy’s…mmmmmmmm.  So delicious yet not what I need to sustain the level of love that I woke up thinking about this morning.
I woke up thinking of everything and everyone I love.  This has been an amazing year.  I have purged most things too unhealthy to mention and incorporated new habits that are sure to keep a smile on my face.  I have not been this happy in a long time.  I have not felt this much love in a long time.  It is such an amazing feeling to wake up and know that someone is thinking of you.  It is such an amazing feeling to wake up and know that someone is praying for you.  It is such an amazing feeling to wake up and know that you have purpose and the strength to share your purpose with the world.
Today, I hope that everyone takes a moment to look in the mirror and do a self-evaluation?  Are you doing everything that you should be doing to take care of yourself?  Are you doing everything you should do to make sure you are not being a drain on the people around you?  Are you doing everything that you can to make life better for yourself and those around you?  I try my best to make it a point to look at myself on a regular basis.  I may not be able to leave the world with riches, but at least I will be able to leave the world knowing that I did all I could to bring happiness to it.


  1. I like your post. Leaving the world a bit happier definitely makes you wealthy. Some of cash but don't have love. One day we will have both. Until then may love keep you going strong!

    Girl I am in love too and I decided earlier this week to get it right. Yesterday the sitter gave us cookies. I had to remind myself it's just a test. Of course I will eat cookies, but binging is a no go. Next up is to get up and put in some sweat.

  2. One more thing, this stuck with me "Are you doing everything you should do to make sure you are not being a drain on the people around you? " This really does apply to one mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. Good thought provoking question. My reply: working on it!

  3. Thanks, Mell!!! We will both get there. I hope to meet you in person one day. You really have inspired me a lot.
