Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Words Will Come

First and foremost, I have to acknowledge that my inspiration for this post comes from another fellow blogger named Mell. Mell and I first became acquainted through a website named Babycenter. Although I'm no longer associated with that site, I am so grateful that I made so many beautiful connections. It opened me up in ways I'd never expected and for that, I am forever thankful.
Pardon any typos today. I am in my comfy, cozy bed blogging on my iPhone. I didn't sleep well last night because I'm an insomniac. The word come at the most random hours so I have to take advantage when I can. I should be up getting ready for my day, but the words are coming. They aren't coming at the same intensity as they were at 3 a.m. when I decided to put Musiq on repeat and create a playlist of my favorite love songs, but they are coming.
Lately, I've noticed them coming in morr palateable tones. I'm an angry poet. I write of lifes frustrations and humiliations. I write of deceit and all things that are sour, not sweet. However, lately I have noticed my words tapping more into the softer side of my spirit. The anger and resentment seem to be falling by the wayside. Soft words of love not assoctiated with one having to break free from the Devil's bond haven't been a part of my poetic moments in a spell. Could it be that the outer shell of my heart has been cracked and true love has finally made its way in? Truly, I thought I'd never see this day. Afterall, the angry poet in my has been around for at least twenty years. I never thought I'd see the day that words of love unassociated with the word tough would be a part of my life. But, it is, and I accept it.
The words will come. They are coming in due time and I will write them as they flow. I will try my best to give you the best that I have. I will try my best to give you words of purpose, hope, love, and direction.

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