Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Intentions

My intention was to blog everyday, but that seems to be something that will not happen.  There's one me and six of them plus the cat and two turtles.  Some days are easier than others, but overall things seem to run pretty smoothly.  I started Fall cleaning that technically should have been done in the Spring, but I was too busy enjoying life.  Oh, well, I can't take back the past which if I could...I'm not sure that I would.
Anywho...I'm hoping to come back with a serious blog later.  So much is going on in my head, but when it comes time to getting down on paper it disappears.  Sucks to drive and have all of these wonderful ideas only to come home and have nothing.  I usually compose on my iPhone, but since T-Mobile doesn't support my phone (I need a newer iPhone bad) then I'm stuck with just using notes and transferring my information.  I'm hoping, for my birthday, to get a Netbook so I can have a full keyboard to work with.  The iPhone is fine, pen and paper is fine, but I'd like the option of getting my thoughts down in an instant.

1 comment:

  1. Girl I hear you. I have a hTc. It is nice, but I wish I had a laptop. It would make it easier.
